The Village of Coxsackie has a vibrant group of community organizations for a variety of interests. We encourage you to join and contribute to those groups you find beneficial.
The Coxsackie Village Cemetery
After four years of volunteer work and community fund raising, the majority of the cemetery has been restored. In 2021 the cemetery was named as a New York State and National Historic Site and was awarded a Pomeroy Historic Marker. (Read More>)
The Hoot of the Owl Committee is inviting you to be part of the celebration, too. Won’t you please become a What a Hoot! Supporter? Your donation will help Coxsackie’s festival soar by providing much needed funding for promotion, thereby ensuring success.
2024 What A Hoot Artist Packet
Follow us on Facebook! A few fine folks have been working hard to honor our deserving Veterans and bring these banners to the streets of Coxsackie. If you haven't liked our Facebook page, do so now to receive updates. (Read More>)
Field of Flags
The Military Banner Committee of American Legion Post 166, will be going into Phase 2. This is “The Field of Flags”. The flags will be displayed on the front yard of the old Elm Street School. The cost per flag and plaque will be $35.00. They will be flown from Memorial Day through July 5th. Stop by the Coxsackie Village Office, or click on the link below, to get the flag form. If you have any questions, please call Suellen Meier at (518) 965-6118. (Read More>)