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UMH of Coxsackie, LLC Project

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village of coxsackie 1867

Lead Service Line Inventory Survey


WATER CONSERVATION NOTICE FOR 2024 UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE All customers served by the Village of Coxsackie water system are requested by the aforementioned municipality to conserve water. Due to current conditions of rainfall amounts as per the National Weather Service website listing Greene County as abnormally dry, and because the water system is affected by this, all residents served by this water system are asked to do their part to conserve water during the above period. Guidelines to save water include: 1. No watering of plants, bushes, trees, or other subjects grown for primarily aesthetic or decorative reasons. 2. No filling of swimming pools or other recreational uses. 3. Avoid washing automobiles, other vehicles, or inanimate objects. 4. Check faucets and pipes for leaks. Leaks waste water 24 hours a day, seven days a week and often can be repaired with an inexpensive washer. 5. Check your toilets for leaks. To test for leaks, add a small amount of food coloring to the toilet tank. If, without flushing, the color begins to appear in the bowl, you have a leak that should be repaired immediately. 6. Use your automatic dishwasher only for full loads. 7. Use your automatic washing machine only for full loads. 8. If you wash your dishes by hand, do not leave the water running for rinsing. 9. Keep bottles of drinking water in the refrigerator to keep them cool instead of running tap water. 10. Take shorter showers. Long showers use much more water than is needed. 11. Install water-saving showerheads or flow restrictors. Area hardware or plumbing supply stores stock inexpensive water-saving showerheads or restrictors that are easy to install. We seek your help. If voluntary conservation measures are unsuccessful, mandatory water conservation may be enforced. With the lack of rainfall over the past few months, the reservoirs at low levels. We ask that residents do their part to help ensure the water supply’s sustainability throughout the borderline drought conditions we are experiencing. Questions should be directed to the Village Office (518) 731-2718 Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Help us complete the Lead Service Line (LSL) Survey! Visit: The Village of Coxsackie is preparing its Lead Service Line (LSL) Inventory to comply with New York State Department of Health’s October 16, 2024 deadline. To do this, we are asking for your help. We have compiled an initial inventory from historical water system data, and we are asking you to help us fill in the blanks. The LSL inventory will serve as a basis to apply to funding agencies in NYS for grants to possibly help replace water services lines that contain lead. Your information will not be shared or sold to any third-party groups, it is strictly for the purpose of creating the most comprehensive list for funding applications and to better understand the Village’s water needs.

119 Mansion Street Coxsackie, NY 12051
Phone: (518) 731-2718
FAX: (518) 731-2231

Email the Village Clerk
village of coxsackie 1867

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